

Requests to all Studio API endpoints must be authenticated. Apps connect to Studio using OAuth 2.0, which is the standard used by most APIs to authenticate and authorize users. This guide will show you how to get an access_token to authenticate with, on behalf of a user, in your App.

Before starting the authentication process, be sure to do the following:
  • Register your App
  • Select the appropriate Scopes
  • Provide a Redirect URI
  • Save your Client ID and Secret

If you haven’t done the above, visit the App Management page to learn more.

There are two ways to authenticate your app:

Authorization Code Flow

Use Authorization Code authentication only when your App can keep a secret (for example, if the App runs on a web server that you control). Make sure to treat the client_secret as you would treat a password.

1. Redirect user to Authorization endpoint

The first step is to request user authorization of your App. You will redirect the user to the Authorization endpoint where they will be asked to log in with their Studio credentials and grant permission to your App. To do this, make a GET request to the Authorization endpoint with the following parameters.

Authorization endpoint

Request Parameters

Parameters must be passed in a query string.

Name Description
response_type Must be set to code
client_id Client ID received during App registration process; found on Back of App Card.
redirect_uri Redirect URI specified during App registration process; listed on Front of App Card.
scope Space separated list of scopes specified during App registration process; listed on Front of App Card.
state Random string generated by your App. Studio will return this state in a callback to your redirect_uri. Validate it against the state in your App to prevent cross-site request forgery.

For more information on the App registration process, visit the App Management page.

Example Request
GET jobs&state=myteststate

User Experience

Users will be directed to the Bluebeam Gateway Login page.

Bluebeam Gateway Login

After logging in, the user may click Allow to grant your App access to their Studio data.

Grant Access page

2. Studio redirects back to your URL with Authorization code

If the user grants access to your App by clicking Allow, you will receive a callback to the URL specified by redirect_uri in your original request. If the callback is successful, it will include an Authorization code that you will need to exchange for an access_token. Make sure to validate that the state in the response matches the state that you submitted in the original request. If an error has occurred, you will receive the redirect with an error parameter.

Response Parameters

Parameters are received as part of the query string.

Name Description
code Temporary Authorization code that must be exchanged for an access_token.
state Random string generated by your App. Studio will return this state in a callback to your redirect_uri. Validate it against the state in your original request to prevent cross-site request forgery.
error This field contains an error code if the authorization request fails. See Common Response Codes for Authorization and Authentication Errors.

Example Response

Security Guideline
Make sure the Authorization code is not visible to the user as part of the redirect process.

Authorization code is only valid for 5 minutes. See Token Expiration for list of code and token durations.

3. Exchange code for access token

Now that you’ve received the authorization code, the next step is to exchange it for an access_token from Studio. To do this, make a POST request to the Token endpoint with the parameters below.

Token endpoint

Request Parameters

Parameters must be form encoded.

Name Description
grant_type Must be set to authorization_code
code Authorization code returned in previous step
client_id Client ID received during App registration process; found on Back of App Card.
client_secret Client secret found on Back of App Card in App Management
redirect_uri Redirect URI specified during App registration process; listed on Front of App Card.

cURL Example

curl \
-d grant_type=authorization_code \
-d code={code returned from previous step} \
-d redirect_uri={your redirect_uri} \
-d client_id={your client_id} \
-d client_secret={your client_secret} \

Response Parameters

Name Description
access_token Bearer token used to make requests on behalf of the user
expires_in Time in seconds until the token expires
refresh_token Can be exchanged for a new access_token and refresh_token
refresh_token_expires_in Time in seconds until refresh_token expires
token_type This will always be “bearer”
userName Set to the Studio user’s email address that acquired a token
scope Space separated list of scopes
.issued Set to the date and time that the access_token was issued
.expires Set to the date and time that the access_token will expire

4. Use access and refresh tokens to access the API

Once you have received an access_token, you can use it to access the API. To use an access_token, include it in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer {a valid access_token}

Access Tokens

  • An access_token is the actual string that allows you to make requests on behalf of the user.
  • Every request to the Studio API must include a valid access_token.
  • Each access_token is valid for 60 minutes.
  • After an access_token expires, a new access_token may be issued in exchange for a valid refresh_token.

The purpose of refresh tokens
Refresh tokens are always exchanged for 1) an access_token that lasts 60 minutes and 2) a single-use refresh_token that lasts 60 days.

Theoretically, once a user manually grants access in Step 1, you can continue the cycle of exchanging refresh tokens for access tokens so that the user never has to manually authorize again, provided that they use your App at least once every 60 days.

Refresh Tokens

  • A refresh_token is always issued to you alongside each access_token.
  • Unlike the access_token, which expires after an hour, each refresh token lasts for 60 days.
  • A refresh_token can only be used once.
  • Each time a refresh_token is used, a new refresh_token is issued back.
  • You should store the refresh_token in a secure place.
  • If a refresh_token is lost or expired, you will need to ask users to authorize again from the beginning of the OAuth flow.

To exchange a refresh_token for a new access_token and refresh_token, make a POST request to the Token endpoint:

Token endpoint

Request Parameters
Parameters must be form encoded.

Name Description
grant_type Must be set to refresh_token
refresh_token Must be set to the value returned during authorize call
client_id Client ID received during App registration process; found on Back of App Card.
client_secret Client secret found on Back of App Card in App Management

cURL Example

curl \
-d grant_type=refresh_token \
-d refresh_token={your refresh_token} \
-d client_id={your client_id} \
-d client_secret={your client_secret} \

Security Guideline
Treat the refresh_token like a password. It should be stored in an encrypted state, and in a secure place.

Revoking refresh tokens
Refresh tokens can be revoked. When a refresh_token is revoked, users will be required to re-authorize after the current access_token expires.

Implicit Flow

Use Implicit Authentication Flow when the client can’t keep a secret, for example a JavaScript app.

1. Redirect user to authorization endpoint

The first step is to request user authorization of your App. You will redirect the user to the Authorization endpoint where they will be asked to log in with their Studio credentials and grant permission to your App. To do this, make a GET request to the Authorization endpoint with the following parameters.

Authorization endpoint

Request Parameters

Parameters must be passed in a query string.

Name Description
response_type Must be set to token
client_id Client ID received during App registration process; found on Back of App Card.
redirect_uri Redirect URI specified during App registration process; listed on Front of App Card.
scope Space separated list of scopes specified during App registration process; listed on Front of App Card.
state Random string generated by your App. Studio will return this state in a callback to your redirect_uri. Validate it against the state in your App to prevent cross-site request forgery.

For more information on the App registration process, visit the App Management page.

Example Request
GET jobs&state=myteststate

User Experience

Users will be directed to the Bluebeam Gateway Login page.

Bluebeam Gateway Login

After logging in, the user may click Allow to grant your App access to their Studio data.

Grant Access page

2. Studio redirects back to your URL

If the user grants access to your application by clicking Allow, you will receive a callback to the URL specified by redirect_uri in your original request.

Response Parameters

The response will be returned in JSON format

Name Description
access_token Bearer token used to make requests on behalf of the user.
expires_in Time in seconds until the token expires.
state Random string specified in the authorization request.

3. Use access token to access the API

Once you have received an access_token, you can use it to access the API. To use an access_token, include it in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer {a valid access_token}

Security Guideline:
Ensure that your access_token is not visible to the user. An App will not be approved if the access_token is visible to the user as part of the redirect url.

Token Expiration

Access tokens issued by Studio expire. If you are using Authorization Code flow, make sure to cache the refresh_token to exchange it for another access_token without going through the entire authorization flow again.

Name Expires in
Access_token 60 minutes
Refresh_token 60 days
Authorization code 5 minutes