Event Notifications

Overview Event Notifications allow you to create subscriptions to Studio resources and receive notifications of changes at a callback URI that you designate. What Can Be Subscribed To? Studio Resource Events Studio Projects Update Rename Delete Studio Project Items (Files and Folders) Create Update Move Rename File Check In Delete [...]

Support Guidelines

Supporting Your Integration As the Integrator, you are responsible for supporting your App. Our App Approval requirements are designed to streamline support once your Integration is out in the wild. Customers who experience an issue with your Integration and contact Bluebeam will be directed to the Support Contact information listed on your [...]

Studio Sessions

Overview A Studio Session is a collaborative environment in which multiple participants can place markups on the same drawing simultaneously or asynchronously. This page covers the general life cycle of a Studio Session and includes code examples. Visit our Example Workflows page to see a common application of the Sessions [...]

Example Workflows

Overview In the Functionality page, we've seen the various API functions available for Studio Sessions, Studio Projects and Studio Project File Jobs. While the possibilities of utilizing these functions are innumerable, we have selected some common workflows that the Studio API can support. Get the gears turning with these common [...]

Getting Started

Overview The Bluebeam Studio API gives access to our document-based, cloud collaboration platform, Studio, and opens up lines of communication for seamless integration between Studio and your systems. The Studio API is RESTful and uses the following standards: Authentication with OAuth 2.0 All API calls are made under the context [...]

Branding Guidelines

Overview We're happy that you've chosen to build an App with the Studio API! Below are guidelines that you'll need to follow in order for us to approve your App for production. These guidelines will help when referencing Bluebeam and your relationship to us in your marketing, App naming, branding [...]

Common Response Codes

Common HTML Response Codes HTTP Code Message Definition 200 OK The request succeeded. 201 Created The request succeeded and resulted in the creation of new resources. 204 No Content The server fulfilled the request and does not need to return an entity-body. 400 Bad Request The request could not be [...]

Approval Process

Overview By default, your App will only work in your developer sandbox. When you’re ready to let customers enable your App within their Studio Prime spaces, you can Request Production Credentials. The App will need to be approved by Bluebeam’s Integrations team first. By now, you will have gone through [...]

App Management

Overview Once your developer account has been approved, you will gain access to the Developer Environment, where you can: Register your App Find the API key associated with that App Manage your existing Apps Test out API calls in the Interactive Console Registering Your App To create an App and generate [...]


Overview Requests to all Studio API endpoints must be authenticated. Apps connect to Studio using OAuth 2.0, which is the standard used by most APIs to authenticate and authorize users. This guide will show you how to get an access_token to authenticate with, on behalf of a user, in your [...]